What’s “Wakageki”?

It is a play in which the artist - Naomi Utamakura – performs whole play by herself, singing and narrating.
The authors of the play try to provide a new look at wisdom of ancient people which can be found in Japanese literature. The general concept of Wakageki is to make poems from Manyoshu, more understandable to our hearts, as a play for feeling, not for thinking, by adding beautiful music to it. These poems are usually difficult to grasp intellectually when we read them as letters or Japanese characters in a book. Also, visual effects added to the performance, make the whole play more attractive through the usage of Japanese traditional designs in the back of the stage and make the whole play more understandable.

Concerts WAKAGEKI performed overseas

“Kojiki – A Song Tale of Ancient Japan. A Book of Gods”
“Kojiki – A Song Tale of Ancient Japan. A Book of People”
“Messages of Princesses”
“Nukata - A Singer of Ancient Times”
“Prince Hikaru: Aoi”
“The Moon and the Gold”
“Wisdom of Fuji”